Bangkok Fellowship Church


Jesus gives us a Hand to Help

The church at Nong Kai Tor had experiences crisis which  the pastor passed away to heaven. We were sad and did not be prepared or planned what to do. However God anointed Khun Vachharee to be the pastor.  Before that there were 10-20 people attended the service but the day we went to the 22 anniversary celebration, there were over 30 audiences. Eight people come in front of worship to accepted Jesus as their God.. Khun Boonchu took us to see the site to build a new building according to their vision.

Jesus Hand out to help us

Sometimes when we face the problem we keep it quiet. We nevr talked to anyone. The disciples’ boat was in the stormy sea. They saw Jesus walked on the sea. Peter saw Jesus. So he asked him if he walked on the water to Jesus. Jesus told him to walk. (Matt 14:31)  31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,”he said, “why did you doubt?” The disciples were so frightened. Jesus said they should trust what he told him..Peter trust him so Jesus can help him to walk back to the boat.
