Bangkok Fellowship Church


Add up Your  Blessings.

Norman Vincent Peale,


Tension and sleeplessness often come from a haunting sense of life’s uncertainties.  One of the best antidotes to this unhappy condition is the practice of the therapy of thanksgiving. Begin with the immediate day just closing and work backward, listing every blessing, however small.


As they add up you will get a new understanding of the goodness of God and the extraordinary good fortune which He has given to you. You will be profoundly impressed by  the certainties of your life, and as a result, your nervous uncertainties “ will fold their tents like the Arabs, and as silently steal away”

What are some of the blessings which you can list as you practice this method run somewhat as follows:


I thank God for the comfortable bed in which I shall sleep this night, that there is a good tight roof over my head. I am thankful for my loved ones and friends where never they are. I am thankful I was able to get enough money to pay that overdue bill today. I am thankful for the good work I did in my job today.


The simple habit of adding up possibilities  become important in successful living. This does not mean that one cannot be “realistic” But by and large the positive attitude is nearer the truth about  life than the cautious negative approach.


 So as you go through life, do not practice subtraction ; but instead add up your blessing, opportunities, possibilities. In so doing you will be relaxed, outgoing and successful.

