Bangkok Fellowship Church

God’s Overarching Love.

Billy Graham

     Matthew 28:20   “I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”    

   Some years ago, my wife Ruth had a terrible fall.   She suffered a concussion, was unconscious for nearly a week, broke her foot in five places, and injured her hip. When she regains consciousness, she found she had lost a great deal of her memory. What disturbed her the most was that she had forgotten so many of Scriptures she had learned throughout the years.  The verse of a whole lifetime was more precious to her than all earthly possessions.

      One night when she was praying, because she was so distressed, out of nowhere came the verse,

“I have loved thee with everlasting love....”  She had no collection of ever memorizing this verse, but the Lord brought  it back to her, Gradually, other verses began to come back. But interestingly, while she was still trying to recover her memory, she memorized Roman  8:31-39  and repeated those verse over and over again. 

      I urge you to memorize this passage.  Hide it away in your heart. When persecution, trouble, and adversity arise, these verses will come back to you a thousand times, remind you of God’s overarching love personified in His Son, our Savior. 

