Bangkok Fellowship Church

Ways we can use our time for God


Henrietta  C. Mears

1. Remember, God owns all time!  He just loan it to us to use.

2. Take time to read from God’s word each day.

3. Take time to pray each morning that God will keep you from evil and use you during that day.

4. Take time to be pleasant.  A bright smile or pleasant words fall like sunbeams upon the hearts of those around us.

5. Take time to be polite. True politeness is to say the kindest things in kindest ways.

6. Take time to be thoughtful of father and mother, teacher and friend.

7. You have the management of 168 hours a week. What do you do with them? 

Henrietta C. Mears

 Mear began writing Sunday school class, and eventually saw the project expand to a service for thousands of Sunday schools.  She was the author of several study books for Sunday School.  She was director of Christian Education in Presbyterian Church in Hollywood at the time. And Sunday school grew from 400 to 6,000. (1890-1963)  

