Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 27th March 2022


Speaker: Pastor Somkiat
Everywhere there are Blessings  (Job 1:1-3, 6-22)
Job is a well blessed person. He has 7 sons and 3 daughters, 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen,
500 donkeys and many servants. Job existed even before the big flood.
Job was a good man. Satan said Job is good because God blessed him. So God allowed Satan to test him,
but Satan is not allowed to kill him. Many bad things happened to Job but he did not falter.
The second time Job was infested with sores. He explained that if God gave him good things, why shouldn`t
he accept bad things too? This is similar to what many people are now facing at the pandemic.
Things we learn from Job
1. God controls everything on this earth, even Satan as well. He is the creator and one day everything will become equal.
The rich, the poor, the educated and the non educated etc
2. It is alright to be prosperous and successful. Example Abraham, Job. They are good people.
3. When we are good, God is proud.
4. Satan tries to go against God and also to disturb us. When we serve God, we may face calamities, (Peter, John etc)
and try to make us give up.
5. God is a fair guardian for us, and Satan tries to challenge God, to no avail.
6. Our pain and suffering comes from Satan, under the permission of God. It will not be over what we
  can take, God still holds the decision.
Why did God allow it? To test us and teach us to be stronger. If death happens, it`s allowed by God.
God sees it as better as God has a reason and plan.
7. God listens to the complaints of Satan as well.
8. Do we believe in God because of our love or the Blessings we receive? God also wanted to know Job`s heart.
Even for us, whenever we have lots of blessings, it;s very easy to love God. When trouble comes, it measures our love for God
9. We may also suffer in life and it may come for no reason.  John 8:1-2, Peter 3:17   People may think it`s karma
when somebody suffers for the bad things they did. It may also happen because of our sins as well.
10. Seeing the greatness of God, his heart is humbled. Job was humbled by the incident.
11. When we pass through sufferings, and when we trust God, God will carry us through, because God is Great.
Job received twice of what he had after he passed through all the suffering, and lived till 200 years.
