Bangkok Fellowship Church


Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
Hosanna. The King of our hearts!
Luke 19:35-38
Jesus started doing His works when he was about 30, and a total of three and a half years. He started the work in the area of Galilee and it became very intense in the last 6 months before His crucification.
The Bible records even more until in the final month. 
The last week of Jesus life on this Earth starts with the beginning of Palm Sunday when he was going into Jerusalem for the celebrations. Is this state in the village of Bethany before that and crossed over the mountain to enter Jerusalem.
Jesus was followed by his beloved disciples who rejoice in all the good works of Jesus, like healing the blind the deaf and the dumb, making the cripple walk. Reviving a person from the dead. Feeding over10,000 people with just five loaves of bread and two fishes.
Before entering Jerusalem, Jesus already know what is going to happen to him.
During that time it was a feast of the Passover where all the Jews gather in Jerusalem for this festival. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a mule, it was spontaneous worship that followed Him. Nothing was planned. Palm leaves were easily available in Jerusalem and the people just cut them and wave them to signal the arrival of the king.
They also took out the clocks and line the streets for the donkey to walk on, to welcome Jesus, doubting hosanna hosanna
Jesus was hailed as the king. As the king of whom? Not the Romans. She was celebrated as the highest King of all Nations, Lord of Lords. 
What kind of King was Jesus?
The Jews did not fully understand it. Pilates also did not understand.
Jesus had his last supper on Good Friday.
After that Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was punished even though He did not do any thing wrong. Jesus was sent to Pilates to be sentenced.
Pilates try to help him twice but the juice will adamant in wanting to kill him. John 18:33-38
Jesus answered that he is the king of the world, which is bigger than the Roman empire. Which means it covers all of us. The map of our God. The empire of God consisting of all the believers. There are no more borders. It covers all believers.
Daniel 7:14
The spreading of the gospel to all parts of the world.
Where is the kingdom of God?
1. Amongst the believers. Luke 17:20-21
2. Of the present.. no need to wait.
Matthew 12:28
3. Started very small but spread out much bigger. Matthew 13:31-32
4. Coming in to claim God`s land
Mark 1:15
5. Have Jesus Christ as the King. Having nothing in our hearts to replace Him. 
1 Timothy 6:14
6. The presence of the scriptures 


7. God will Bless and increase everything for us. Matthew 6:33
