Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 14 May 2023

Worship 1
Speaker: Pastor Joshua Khoo
The courage to pursue and surrender to God use
Whenever we have a revival in our belief and faith we never expect what God will expect from us.
We missing that we know too much, but God wants something different from us, and we get upset about it.
We may not be happy after we receive something we do not expect
But God knows what is good for us.
Example we reject medicine because we expect it to be horrible tasting, even though we know it is good for us.
God gives us a plan, but sometimes we do not accept it as we do not want it.
The case of Mary and Joseph
Imagine Joseph, a Christian who looks at Mary, but they need strict Jewish customs
for their engagement.
But Mary is carrying a baby. Joseph should be shocked
How could Joseph believe that the child is from God?
Bible says that Joseph went to sleep, and an angel appeared to him and said that the baby is from God
Joseph makes a decision.
Will he continue his faith in God? Because he has the right not to accept Mary.
If Joseph had decided not to believe, the outcome would have been very different.
It can happen to us too. Are we willing to accept what God planned for us?
Joseph decides to accept God`s destiny and plan, even though he will have the gossip and bad rumors around him.
Proverbs 14:4
Where there is no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.
God is telling us that when there is a revival, Our lives will be messy as we have to clean up
The aux here meaning rearing and ox.
There is a strong smell from their waste.
Whenever we have a revival, there may be changes and many things will become cleansed and cleansing is needed.
When we want to see miracles in our lives, we have to know it will not be what we expect or want.
Like what Joseph did, obeying God and marrying Mary on that day and leaving with her to Bethlehem.
Even when God tells us to do something we still have the right to choose to obey or not. We have to look at God`s will, and know what is right in the Christian way and not be looking at our culture.
The question is do we have to follow God`s orders and face the embarrassment?
Do we dare to take risks?
Everything needs a plan we should try to coordinate and follow God`s plan.
Many times we do not understand God`s plans for us. However we will eventually see the picture one day.
We need Faith before we will understand
The question is do we dare to risk? Do we dare to let God lead our lives?
Turn towards God in all circumstances.
