Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 11 June 2023
Worship 2
Speaker: Mr. Chetchai
God loves everyone in every age.
2 Chronicles 33 :12 -13
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God`s words says, no one will escape death.
God is the decider of our time on this earth.
Whatever we possess, such as our health etc, when we reached its time, it will be gone when we die.
The only thing that is remaining, that is eternal, is our spirit. The spirit will either go to heaven or hell.
God does not want any Spirit to go to hell, so he sent his only begotten son to cleanse our sins.
The only condition is, we need to repent and admit we have sinned, and to accept Christ as our savior.
That moment we accept Christ as our savior, the crucifix becomes the bridge to help us cross over to God and to heaven.
Romans 6:23
John 5:24
We have to remember the day, the end of life. Will be too late if nothing is done.
Once we accept Jesus it does mean that we have her name on the list.
God wants us to lead our lives like Him in order to enter heaven
2 Chronicles 7:14
God`s promise to Solomon
1. Acknowledge and humble before God
2. Pray to God with fervency and Truth
3. Except that we are sinful and repent
2 Chronicles 33 :12 to 13
Sought favor of God and humbled himself
Manasseh did not listen and went to have idols
We received God but we are distracted by the world such as social media news etc.
We spend too much time on them and slowly move away from God.
We need to be careful we are not swallowed by this world.
We have to be careful we do not follow the sins of Manasseh
Another sin of Manasseh, he sacrificed the child to idols.
The use of black magic
Looking into the future through soothsayers
We should not take the standards of the world. If other people are doing it it can still be sinful or wrong.
God will remind us when we do wrong and go the wrong way.
Manasseh did not listen.
Manasseh was punished. He was caught as a prisoner bound in chains and taken away to Babylon. Genesis 2:7
Some people when warned by God, repent and go back to God.
Others are unaware or do not listen and have to be punished heavily.
When Manasseh repented and cried out to god, God is merciful and forgive him, and returned him to Jerusalem to be the king.
God is ready to forgive us as well.
Do not forget God`s mercy.
