Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 1 October 2023

Worship 1
Speaker: Pastor Somkiat
To create an effective and efficient life
Matthew 25: 14 - 21
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Jesus taught during His last days to prepare for the coming.
Stewardship- we need to make the things from God to be a blessing and profit.
Like a pharmacist salesman who brings the samples to hospitals to receive orders.
In the Bible a person who received one bag of gold and hid it and did not make any profit was chided by his master.
A steward is someone who uses the resources from God to get more results (believers)
1Peter 4:10
It`s important to get results
What resources do we get from God?
1. Time Luke 19:12 to 13
Christians in the world receive different gifts from God. They are different but the only thing that is the same is the time.
If we misuse the time and waste it, it`s wrong.
2. Talents. They differ for different people.
They are given by God. some have one talent some others have five.
(Matthew 25:14-15)
3. Spiritual gifts. (Romans 12:6 )
Spiritual gifts to create results for God.
4. Ability to understand
(1Corinthians 4:1-2(
People have different levels of understanding for the word of God.
Knowledge we have should be shared.
5) Wealth.
(Matthew 6:20)
The more we have, the more responsibility we will have with the wealth.
God wants us to use it to accrue wealth in heaven where the wealth will not be destroyed.
Be used the wealth to help people.
One day God will take account of what we do with our wealth / gifts etc
God gives us time now but we will have to face God and show Him what we have done with what God has given us.
It`s between God and us. No one else is involved.
Matthew 25:19
Luke 19:15
Look 16:2
1) look for spiritual gifts
2) make an effort to improve the gift
3) see how it can be useful for others
4) use the talent to compliment the spiritual gift
5) make profit so that it is useful for others
6) use the gifts with love
