Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 5 November 2023

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Suchart
Living a life of happiness
Philippians 4.11-13
Apostle Paul went to Philippi under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In one of the travels, Paul fell asleep and saw a vision. He saw the figure of a person calling out to him. Vision he knows that he should leave Asia Minor and move over to Macedonia. Paul went over to Philippi and Thessalonica and met with many incidences and later was put into jail.
In jail he was worshiping and the chains were broken and he was released. He managed to witness to many people in the jail. 
Paul wrote letters to the people of Philippi to encourage them. Paul initially persecuted on the Christians and killed many of them.
Who wrote the book of Philippians around 30 years after Jesus was crucified.
The book of Philippians was written when Paul was around 60 years or more. He has gone through many experiences and have reached the period where he encourages people to seek and have happiness.
According to Apostle Paul, how do we have happiness?
1. Be satisfied. Do not complain.
We do not know what kind of situations God will allow us to go through. We just have to accept it and take it easy because we know that God is behind us. Do not talk in a negative way. Thank God and rely more on God. And learn through experience, remembering to thank God. Be satisfied.
2. Knows how to be prepared for any type of situation. 
Know how to accept and receive any kind of situation. Learn through experience from seeing and hearing.
Example as a person grows older, how to control blood pressure to proper eating and exercizing. Learn how to enjoy life and experience happiness. Accept a change of status. Example from someone rich to someone poor due to the economy crashing. We need to learn to accept.
3. Knows how to handle all kinds of situations.
Be smart to adjust to each situation. Be adaptable. Ability to continue on in a different situation.
Learn how to save for a rainy day.
Paul stays in a tent when he has not enough.
Everything is possible because we have Jesus. We can face all situations because we have Jesus. Allow God to help us to be satisfied with what we have.
