Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 10 December 2023

Worship 2
Speaker: Mr. Chetchai
The Church of God
Matthew 16.18
Jesus told Peter that they will start a church on top of the Rock. And the hades of hell will not be able to overcome it.
The promise of God to every Church.
Our church has been established for 54 years. We have a main branch and many other churches across Thailand
I`ll check can be strong when our sub churches are growing and are strong
We have a new sub Church in a convert home. We have a total of 51 Sub churches
Also plan to have a subchurch surrounding bangkok. Now we have Nongchok.
We have a total of 67 ministry workers.
Sam`s up churches have enough members and do not need financial assistance
I`ll church have a total of 750 members  (already baptized)
People first look at the building, and the cross.
In reality the church is not the building or the cross. It is not something that is tangible
Ephesians 2.20
It is the well we receive from apostles and Prophets and the holy spirit.
Romans 16.5
Believers Priscilla and Aquila, coworkers of Paul (husband and wife team)
People are the church. When people form a group it is the Church of God.
Characteristics of a Church of God
1) similar to a person
2) like a family
Colossians 1.18
And He is the head of the body, the church, he is the beginning..... so that in everything He might have the supremacy.
We have to believe and have faith in god, from our heart
1 corinthians12.27
We are the organs of the body of christ. We can be the hand, the nose, the eyes etc but they are all connected into one body
We also have to learn how to work together in the body
1 corinthians12.14 -15
1 corinthians12.25-26
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.
We are the people of the church. We have to cooperate and work together as a church
Psalm 133.1, 3
