Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 31 December 2023

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
The marathon runner
Hebrew 12.1-2
The field of believers
The non-believers are still not in the running in the field.
This field of believers is only reserved for believers in Christ.
When is the start of the race?
In Hebrews 11 our names are all recorded.
From Abel, to Abraham, to Moses, many people are written about... We are all in the race. We`re running the race that God has put us into.
Many examples of people running the race and let us join them together.
It starts when we are born again
How far do we have to run?
Until the day we reach the horizon. The day we leave this world.
How long is the journey ? we have to run the way as required by God.
We do not know when we will leave this world. Some people leave very young.
We are not competing with anyone.
Galatians 6:4
We are responsible for ourselves.
We do not need to worry about other people.
Example no need for churches to compete with each other regarding how many members they have. 
God is not interested who is better than the other.
We just need to better ourselves.
We need to check ourselves, our journey have we improved as we go along the way.
We look at whether we are more humble, more tolerant, are we more willing to sacrifice... We only compare with ourselves not with other people.
We are all given different spiritual gifts, and the God uses us for different things.
We all carry our own flags given by God.
Philippians 3:14
Two things that can encourage us, the runner.
1) other believers that run beside us.
They become a form of encouragement
2) look towards Jesus.
We need to let go of our sins to make the journey lighter. Repent and start anew 
Also throw away things that make us waste our time, or take our time away from God.
1 Corinthians 10: 25
To be in the right path with God.
Do not back slide.
Example. Judas Iscariot. Solomon. 
Philippians 3:13
Forget what that has happened before..
Look towards the future and not let the past affect us.
Sometimes we have a lot of people with us sometimes nobody.
Our journey is usually having its ups and downs. But we are never alone because we have Jesus.
Difficulties and hardships we face is actually good for us. It`s good training for us. We learn about tolerance. Our Roots get stronger and deeper.
And one day we will reach our destination.
