Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 7 January 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Somkiat
To believe, we need to be daring
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Year 2024
We have not walked this route before.
Jesus was popular during that period when he had the fame for healing and miracles.
A daughter of synagogue leader passed away and he went to ask Jesus to help the daughter. In between a woman with blood problem was healed as well.
Matthew 9.18
Sometimes when we pray for help, we refrain from asking for anything against science.
Example women with menopause having children
Changing water into wine
Healing of the paralyzed.
However we know that many miracles are cut through Jesus.
When we reach an impossible situation we
1. Cannot solve
We should dare to pray.
Believe in the impossible as anything is possible with God.
2. Dare to think
The bleeding woman believes touching Jesus`s robe will heal her of her sickness.
Jesus heals in different ways.
Touching, asking them to stand up and walk, just speaking about it and the healing is done.
God help us today to think of different things that Jesus can help us, like the bleeding woman.
The ways that Jesus saw can be new all the time.
3. Dare to be different
Think out of the box
Be creative and imagine The impossible
4. Dare to speak out the truth, opposite of what we can see
Jesus says when there is faith, miracles will happen
People may say vaccines have poison, but it will not affect us.
5. Dare to move forward
And against the comments of other people.
Abraham believing he will have a child.
People laughed but he had faith.
People laughed at Noah when he was building the boat. In the end they had to drown and die.
