Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 28 January 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Pastor Somkiat
Mary gives priority to Jesus
Choose God first, and God will reward you later
When we wear a shirt if the first button is wrong the whole shirt cannot be worn properly.
1) God.   2) family.   3) work 
Bethany- Jesus stay s over at Mary, Martha and Lazarus` house when he passes by.
Jesus praise Mary but not Martha
Similarities between Mary and Martha
1) both are christians, both will be in heaven.
Both love God with all the heart.
2) both are hospitable and wants to take care of Jesus and serve Him
3) a part of Jesus ( part of a body with Jesus as the head)  Martha works in the kitchen. Mary spends time with others and Jesus.
4) Jesus loves both equally and Lazarus too
Differences between Mary and Martha
1) Martha. Do not have time for herself, to spend quiet time with Jesus
She got her best in preparing everything to serve Jesus
We should always leave time for God.
2) Martha has bitter feelings about the work
She feels she has to do it, as there`s no one to help her.
When we love something, even if it`s difficult it seems easy.
We need to have joy in every moment
Martha loves to complain, especially with Mary too. You should remove our bitterness when serving God.
3) Martha could not differentiate what is more important, that has more meaning.
4) Martha could not choose what`s important.
Mary sits and listens to Jesus.
Another time, Mary uses her perfume to clean Jesus` feet.
5) Mary knows what`s appropriate and what makes Jesus appreciate
Serving God is good but we need to make time to spend quality time with God.
6) Mary tries to get deeper in relationship with God.
