Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 11 February 2024

Worship 1
Speaker: Ajarn Rithi
A life that is good
Matthew 5.3-12
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The world happiness report shows that Finland is the happiest country in the world.
To become a PR there are many difficult conditions.
To enter God`s Kingdom is easy
We may see heaven happen on Earth
And become a good life for everyone
Three conditions
1) we should open and receive God
Diverse refers to people who are poor in spirit. Lack encouragement, lack motivation to move on.
People who are sad/depressed
How do we find what`s right and good for us?
God can give that to us.
Speaker advised that he should receive Jesus. Matthew 7.7-8
Whoever us will receive...
We all have the choice to ask, look for and knock on Jesus` door
Isaiah 55.1-3
2) adjust our heart
Want to see change
Do not give up
See things in a different way- helping others etc
We need a heart that is good and help others
Happiness from seeing people receive blessings from us
Luke 6.38
When you give, you will receive.
When we change our heart and give generously, we can see change.
Ways to help
A) mend- give Love
B) create- teach and help
C) support- lift them to bigger limits
3) remove bitterness from life
- bullying from others
-disappointments in life
-people going through trials
-facing obstacles in life
God comforts us that everything we go through has a reason and meaning.
Do not allow it to create bitterness in our hearts.
Whether we are a Christian or not depends on how we lead our lives.
