Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 10 March 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Mr. Chetchai
Church of Jesus Christ 
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We are the parts of the body with Christ as the head
Churches also like a family we have the Holy Trinity with us
The Old testament there`s no mention of the Church of God, only the believers of God
In the new testament, in Matthew chapter 16 and 18 mentions that of the church.
The church comes from the spoken word of Jesus.
Matthew wrote to the Jews.
Jesus came to the world to save everyone, not just the Jews.
Ephesians 2.8-9
Building a church has to come from God.
God has the conditions
A church that is real, not from the idea of people.
Based on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for our sins.
The Church of God is based on the death of Jesus.
Lessons learned
Matthew 16.14
Who is Jesus? Peter said, the Messiah the son of the living God
Jesus replied, you are Peter, the rock of the church.
1) church was built on faith
For the church to exist, the people must have the faith and believe in Jesus.
2) built by people that are chosen by God.
God asked Peter to build the church
Peter was chosen by God.
Everything we should pray and ask God before doing.
Check with God first.
God knows best. Don`t do it first and when it feels then reach out to God.
3) church was built by love.
Peter loves Jesus but he also denied Jesus three times. But he cried and repented
When we sin, we must quickly repent and start a new with God.
4) church is built at the right time.
The chosen time.
John 21.15-19
Question who / what do we love more?
Jesus or something else?
5) churches must have the Holy Spirit present
For the power and support.
Acts 2.4
