Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 17 March 2024

Worship 2
Speaker: Ajarn Suchart
The cross changes our lives
Easter refers to the day that Jesus resurrected. Jesus did not resurrect on Easter than there will be no meaning in our lives.
On Easter we should not keep quiet as well because it`s an important day for us Christians. Whatever Jesus did on the crucifix became something important for us and changes our lives. We all need the crucifix, you also need to share the good news to other people.
The Catholics have the crucifix of Jesus on the cross.
For Protestants, Jesus is missing from the cross because He has resurrected.
God asked Moses to take a branch and throw it into the water out of this stream. This will change the bitter water into drinking water for the people. This happened when Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea after a few days they have no water to drink and they start to complain.
This events show us the picture of the Jews during those days. They had been slaves for more than 400 years in Egypt before they were saved and left the place led by Moses.
The Jews were trapped in Egypt for over four generations working as slaves creating bitterness and unhappiness and despair about what`s going to happen to their future.
The Jews were the chosen people of God and they were bullied into slavery in Egypt. Their cries reached God who listened to them and sent Moses to bring them out of the Egypt. The Jews population was controlled also by the pharaoh who ordered all newborns male up to 1 year old to be slaughtered. Who`s this managed to escape and was brought up by the princess. I was full of bitterness and God had mercy and allowed Moses to be saved from the slaughter.
The Old testament always bring us to the crucifix of Jesus Christ.
The crucifix is the symbol that is always brought up in the Old testament.
The wood that got us Moses to throw into the water refers to who?
The situation recorded can also be applied to our lives where we are bullied by people, and many problems causing us to be bitter about our lives. Puts all of us into the situation where we need Jesus Christ.
The people in this world meet help from Christ to come and change their Outlook of life and change their lives as well.
Acts 5.30
People killed Jesus because of their sins we are also part of the people who killed Jesus due to our sins as Jesus had to die on the cross for us.
1 Peter 2.24
No matter where Jesus is, when we reach out to Him, He will be able to change the bitter Waters into drinking water for us.
We invite Jesus into our lives we will become happy because Jesus will change the bitter water into drinking water.
What is the value of the cross?
1 John 4.9
1.) The love from God and the love from Jesus
Ephesians 1.7 Our sins are forgiven
2) We receive forgiveness.
The tree equals what happened on the crucifix. 
The bitter pool equals our lives
1 John 1.9
Our bitter lives will become a blessing for the righteous.
Our bitter lives become a satisfying life.
Matthew 12.20
Our valueless lives become valuable lives
1 Corinthians 7.23
A live without aim becomes a life that has a clear vision 
