Bangkok Fellowship Church


Summary of message from 6 April 2024

Worship 1
Speaker: Pastor Somkiat
From doubtful to shining
John 21:24-29

Sunday after Easter. Why is it important?

On the evening of easter, Jesus appeared before 10 disciples. (Thomas was not there)

The following Sunday there were all 11 disciples.


Choosing of disciples (example Thomas)

1) teachable

Jacob, Andrew were fishermen and Jesus called out to them 

Jesus knows that they can be taught to spread the word.

2) Forfeit/ Sacrifice

Willing to sacrifice for God

3) dare to question (inquisitive)

John 14.6

The clearing of doubts, if do not know don`t pretend to know.

4) investigate


Try hard to find out, solve problems etc

Thomas wasn`t convinced and wanted to touch Jesus wounds to confirm.

5) worship

Thomas - My Lord my God!


6) shines

Gives out light. He died in india. He went all the way to spread the word.


Summary (Thomas)

1. Follow Jesus

2. Willing to suffer

3. Learn

4. Experience everything on your own

5. Let God be our boss

6. We have to be ready to serve.
